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Kenya Wildlife & Cultural Tours

Kenya Safaris: In Kenya, the birthplace of safari travel, have a safari vacation. The finest safaris and excursions to Kenya involve seeing the Big 5, admiring the scenery, learning about the local culture, and relaxing on the warm beaches along the coast. A safari in Kenya involves viewing the Great Migration in the fabled Masai Mara, the breathtaking views of Mount Kilimanjaro from Amboseli, and the leopards of Samburu. Explore fascinating cultures in real Masai communities and indulge in the fusion of Swahili and flavors from India, Africa, and Europe.

Things to do in Kenya

Known for her amazing tourism destinations and producing some of the fastest runners in the world, the Republic of Kenya is one fascinating country. Kenya covers an area of about 224,081 square miles and is bordered by Uganda to the West, South Sudan to the northwest, Somali to the East, Ethiopia to the North, Tanzania to south and the Indian ocean to the southeast. The country gets its name from the second highest mountain in Africa – Mount Kenya. Kenya has a population of about 50 million people and is made up of about 47 counties – each led by an elected governor. The capital is Nairobi but the Mombasa is the oldest city. Other newer cities include Nakuru, Kisumu and Eldoret. Kenya is the second largest country in East Africa. The Great East African Rift Valley divides the country into two creating mountains and other amazing physical features. A large part of the country is semi-arid but the country has hundreds of rivers and lakes including the second largest fresh water lake in the world – Lake Victoria. Other important landmarks include Mount Kenya and of course the Indian Ocean.

Kenya has 42 different tribal groups, each with their own traditions and culture. Swahili is the most wildly spoken language among all the tribes hence a major unifying factor. Of all the tribal groups, Masai are the most famous and known – thanks to their reputation as great warriors living close to major national parks. Other major ethnic groups in Kenya are the Kikuyu, Kalenjin and the Luo (The tribe of Obama’s Dad).

Kenya has the largest economy in East Africa. Agriculture is the largest economic sector with coffee and tea as the main cash crops. Tourism follows closely after agriculture in terms of importance. The government of Kenya has not only marketed the country as a leading destination for the classic African Safari but also developed the tourism infrastructure to international standards. The responsibility of marketing and managing most aspects of the tourism industry rests with the Kenya Tourism Board. International travelers find Kenya an amazing destination because of the diversity in what it offers. The diversity includes the great wildebeest migration, the majestic flamingos in lake Nakuru, the elephants of Amboseli National Park, the beautiful beaches of Mombasa, ancient mosques, the East African Rift Valley, mountains and amazing cultural encounters with tribes like the Masai, Samburu and Kikuyu.  Kenya has over 55 national parks, game reserves and sanctuaries. Many who visit the country fall in love with the incredible beauty and have decided to stay permanently. Although this article focuses on Kenya, you can also read about the things to do in Uganda or the attractions in Mombasa.

Kenya Safaris:

Kenya Safaris: The finest safaris and excursions to Kenya involve seeing the Big 5, admiring the scenery, learning about the local cultureAfrican game safaris and wildlife tours are the biggest attractions in Kenya, drawing many visitors to the country each year. Kenya manages more than 20 national parks and national game reserves, where visitors can view some of the country’s most spectacular wildlife, including the “Big Five” animals. In fact, the “Big Five” are the central focus of the majority of safari tours and wildlife expeditions offered within the parks. Kenya’s most popular game park is the Masai Mara, which borders the Serengeti plains in Tanzania. Between July and September, visitors can witness the remarkable annual wildebeest migration which takes place at the Mara.

The major places to visit during Kenya safaris are; Masai Mara national reserve, Tsavo East and West, Amboseli, Lake Nakuru, Samburu, Buffalo Springs, And Shaba National Reserves, Lake Naivasha among others. Choosing the travel destination is based on the traveler’s interest; the kind of wildlife or birds they wish to see and their travel budget. However, the most popular wildlife reserve in Kenya is Mara due to its amazing annual wildebeest migration.

The cheapest national park in Kenya for safaris is Nairobi which charges an entry fee of $40 per person per day, others like Meru, Tsavo West and East charge entry fee of $52 per day and the Masai-Mara and Amboseli charge $60 park entry fee per day.

Yes, booking wildlife safaris in Kenya through game drives is always a very memorable experience however, you may engage in other activities such as hot air balloon, horse riding, river rafting, guided nature walks, night game drives, community encounters and these experiences come at an extra cost.

The best time to visit Kenya for wildlife safaris and tours is during the dry season that runs from late June to October. The wildebeest migration normally reaches Masai Mara game reserve in August and remains until October when they move back to the Serengeti in Tanzania. Otherwise, wildlife viewing is good throughout but this can differ for some parks.

Besides wildlife safaris, Kenya is among the best destinations in Africa for bird watching experiences with over 1,100 recorded bird species. Various endemic and near-endemic species can easily be spotted on any birding tour in Kenya. The European migrants are always present from September to April. The endemic & near-endemic bird species in Kenya include; Abbott’s starling, Aberdare cisticola, Amani sunbird, Clarke’s weaver, Grey-crested helmet-shrike, Hinde’s pied babbler, Jackson’s hornbill, Jackson’s francolin, Montane white-eye, Sharpe’s longclaw, Sokoke pipit, Sokoke scops owl, Taita thrush, Tana River cisticola, Taveta golden weaver, Williams’s lark. Other special birds to spot on your bird watching safaris are; Abyssinian crimsonwing, Bar-tailed trogon, Blue-headed bee-eater, Friedmann’s lark, Golden-breasted starling, Golden-winged sunbird, Great blue turaco, Kori bustard, Red-naped bush-shrike, Secretary bird, Somali courser, Somali sparrow, Taita apalis, Turner’s eremomela, Vulturine guineafowl and Yellow-bellied wattle-eye.

The best birding places in Kenya include; Masai Mara, Amboseli, Lake Nakuru, Bogoria, Samburu, Arabuko-Sokoke and Kakamega Forest. The bird watching in Kenya is good throughout the year, but the best time runs from September to April when the migratory birds from Europe and north Africa are present. During this period, many resident bird species are nesting and are in breeding plumage.



Nairobi is the largest city and capital of Kenya. It is a modern, multicultural and historic town with amazing attractions (wildlife, museums and historical monuments). Nairobi was the headquarters during British colonial rule in East Africa and hence gained from having the largest group of European settlers in the region. Most of the settlers worked as plantation owners while others were and representatives of the Queen in the region. The key tourist attractions in Nairobi are the Nairobi National Park, the Karen Blixen Museum, The Giraffe Center, The Bomas of Kenya and the Nairobi National Museum. The Nairobi National Museum is where you can stop to learn about the history and culture of the people of Kenya. The Karen Blixen Museum was the home of the renowned Danish plantation owner and author Karen Blixen. As we shall find out later, the house was turned into a museum to remember her life and times in Kenya. The Nairobi National Park is the only one in the world that is located so close to a large city. You can spot all of the big five animals without having to drive to the major national parks in the countryside. We will be discussing many of the Nairobi’s attractions separately.

Nightclubs and bars: If you love having fun up to late in the night, then you won’t be disappointed while visiting Kenya’s capital or any of the other larger cities.  Most of the cities host concerts every weekend where both local and international artists are hired to perform for revelers. The atmosphere may be slightly different from that in your home country but the music will be familiar though with a mix of songs from the local artists. The best bars and nightclubs in Nairobi are found in the northwestern part of the city, close to the Westland’s neighborhood. This is where you will find the prominent citizens, middle/working class Kenyans, International expatriates, UN staff and tourist partying till the wee hours of the morning. Which club or night spot should I go to? The most popular ones in Nairobi are Klub House for reggae music and Brew Bistro for the best local beer.

Watch Movie from 7D Cinemas: The movie business in Nairobi has been thriving for decades but is now organized to the highest standards. Some of the high-end movie houses and cinemas offer 7D movie experiences. 7D incorporates special effects with the movie in order to allow people see and feel every sound. It’s like listening to a revealing high-end music system where you can hear every song just as the artist intended it to be. For the best 7D cinema experience, you should go to the Thika Road Mall.

The Maasai Mara National Reserve:

Kenya Safaris: The finest safaris and excursions to Kenya involve seeing the Big 5, admiring the scenery, learning about the local cultureThis is arguably the best tourist attraction in Kenya and one of the best in the world. The Maasai Mara National Reserve is located in Narok County in the south-western part of the country – close to the border with Tanzania. The reserve was named after the Maasai men and is part of a wider Mara Ecosystem that includes 11 other ranches. The Mara is an extension of the great Serengeti National Park of Tanzania. When combined, the two national parks form a wildlife corridor that is unequaled anywhere word. The Reserve receive over 290,000 visitors each year. The key attraction is the Great Wildlife Migration to and from the Serengeti which occurs in the dry months of July to October. During this migration, over one million wildebeest, Thomson’s gazelle and Zebra move to and from the Serengeti. They have to cross the crocodile infested Mara River and deal with predators like leopard, lions and cheetahs. Our 3 Days Masai Mara Safari package offers travelers a chance to witness the great wildlife migration spectacle as well as the battle between predator and prey. Those who have little time in the country should check out our 2 days Maasai Mara safari package. In total, the park is home to 95 species of mammals and 570 of birds. Apart from the wildlife and beautiful landscape, another key attraction is an encounter with the Masai warriors who live in the park. You can also read about the tourist attractions in Tanzania for more about the Serengeti and how it is connected to the Mara.

Religious Buildings: As a free country, Kenya has several religious denominations. Christianity and Islam have the largest official following but traditional religion is still practiced quietly. Hinduism is also very popular especially in urban areas. Tourists will be amazed to find some of the most beautiful mosques, temples and cathedrals in almost every town. Some of the mosques in Mombasa and the other islands have unique architectural designs and date all the way back to the 12th century. The imposing Dawoodi Bohra Mosque was built in 1902 while the Mandhry Mosque in Mombasa was built in 1570. The Basheikh Mosque is even older and was built in early 1300. If you want to visit a more modern mosque, then check out The Memon Mosque.

Samburu National Reserve: This is one of the lesser visited tourism attractions in Kenya but with its own unique offerings. It is a conservation park located in Northern Kenya which is home to the Samburu people. The Samburu are a distinct tribe who love wearing brightly colored clothing and jewelry.  Samburu National reserve stands out because of its arid plains, sun-parched hills and jagged mountains. The Uaso Nyiro River runs through the park leaving behind forests and lush green vegetation even during the driest of months. Samburu National Reserve receives fewer visitors but those who can get there will be rewarded with amazing sightings of lions, wild dogs, cheetahs, elephants, leopards, buffaloes, hippos, wildebeest, Nile crocodiles and countless antelopes. The Reserve is also home to rare creatures like the Gerenuk, blue-legged Somali ostrich, the Grevy’s zebra, reticulated giraffe and beisa Oryx.  Over 450 species of birds call the Reserve home. The fastest and easiest way of getting to the reserve is by catching a flight from Nairobi to the airstrip in Samburu. One can also drive by car from Nairobi in a journey that can take 6 hours.

Amboseli National Park:

Amboseli National Park is found close to the border with Tanzania and at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. “Amboseli means “salty dust” in Masai language. This is in reference to the dry conditions on the park. Amboseli is one of Kenya’s most visited national reserves in the park are one of Africa’s largest elephant herds and an opportunity to meet the Masai people for an amazing cultural experience. There is no better place to see wild elephants in large numbers than Amboseli National Park. One can also spot lions, leopards, cheetahs, gazelle, eland, impala, waterbucks and giraffe. Over 600 species of birds can be spotted in the park. One will also be captivated by the greet savanna grasslands/woodlands, mountain views and the opportunity to learn about the Masai culture and customs. Amboseli National Park can be reached by air from Nairobi in only 40 minutes.

Nairobi National Museum: Established in the 1920’s, the Nairobi National Museum is arguably the best place to learn about the history, culture and art of the country. The Museum also displays information about the country’s unique flora and fauna. The museum exhibits artifacts from the different tribal groups and artists in Kenya. It is at the Museum where you will find the works of the famous Leakey family on display. The Leakey’s discovered the first human fossils at the Olduvai Gorge. Their findings are amazing but you will also see stuffed birds, countless art pieces and information about Kenya’s wildlife dating back to the colonial times. After a tour of all the galleries in the main building, you can also take a walk around the beautiful botanical gardens and then crown it all by eating yummy food from the restaurant. The museum is open from 9:30am to 6:00pm.

Karen Blixen Museum and the Ngong Hills: Karen Blixen is the woman whose story is told in the colonial time love story and movie Out of Africa. Her other names were Isak Dinesen and she was from Denmark. During the colonial times in Kenya, many European opened up farms and built houses around the Ngong hills which is very close to Nairobi. Karen left Denmark and did the same. She bought a 4,500-acre farm at the foot of the Ngong hills where she grew coffee and other cash crops. She managed the farm from 1913 to 1931 when she returned to Denmark.

The romantic movie “Out of Africa” describes her life story, struggles with sickness, relationships and adapting to a new land. Her house has now been turned into a museum that is dedicated to her life and times. Tourists who are fascinated with her movie, books and stories visit the same farm to get a sense of what life was back then. While at the Museum, one can buy Karen Blixen postcards, posters and handcrafts. Karen was also a great author and you should read her books and watch the movie “Out of Africa” if you haven’t yet understood what we are talking about here. Tourists can also visit the lone grave of her partner and great hunter Denys Finch Hatton found on the eastern part of the Ngong Hills. The Karen Blixen Museum is open from 9:30am to 6pm every day of the year.

Take a train or visit the Nairobi Railway Museum: The Railway Museum is one of the important attractions in Kenya. It was established to recognize the important role of the railway system to Kenya’s economy even before the country got independence. The system was known as the “Lunatic Express” when it was first launched in 1901. The name came about because it was considered crazy to build a railway right through the African wild at the time. The Museum sits on an old railway building with the oldest wagons and steam engines including rare models like the German MV Liemba. Among the wagons are those that were used to corner man eating lions during the construction of the railway lines at the time. If you want to enjoy the Kenyan countryside, national parks or mingle with the locals, then you should board a train through the newly renovated railway system. The new East African Gauge railway has been modernized with first class facilities. A journey from Nairobi to Mombasa using the Madaraka Express train takes 4.5 hours.

Tsavo National Park:

Kenya Safaris: The finest safaris and excursions to Kenya involve seeing the Big 5, admiring the scenery, learning about the local cultureThe Tsavo National Park is by far the largest national park in Kenya – 4 percent of Kenya’s total area. Tsavo is considered the best national park in Kenya for exploring the African wilderness in privacy/solitude.  It is so large that it is divided into two sections – Tsavo East and Tsavo West. Tsavo National Park is characterized by volcanic hills, rivers, savanna plains, waterfalls and Amazing plateaus.  Tsavo West receives more rainfall and for that matter has better scenery all year round. The key attractions in Tsavo West are the Mzima Springs and giant craters. Because of the thicker vegetation, the animals are more difficult to see when compared to Tsavo East. Tsavo East is relatively dry and hence with less vegetation cover. It is easier to spot park animals like elephants. Though dry, Tsavo East is served by Galana River which meanders around the sector. The river supports the growth of beautiful palm trees and other vegetation which brings life to an otherwise semi-arid region. Other important attractions in Tsavo East are the Mudanda Rocks, Aruba Dam, Mzima Springs, Lugard Falls and the Yatta Plateau. What are the animals found in the park? Expect to see Leopards, Buffaloes, Lions, Rhinos, Hartebeest, Bush baby, Lesser Kudu, Masai Giraffe, crocodiles and hippos among many others not to mention the birds.

The Great Rift Valley: The Great Rift Valley is one of the most amazing geological wonders of the world. It passes through many countries in Africa and Asia leaving behind amazing features like volcanoes, escarpments, lakes, underground forests and so much more. The Great Rift Valley covers a large part of Kenya and it would take a number of days to explore it fully. If there is little time on your side, you can explore a few of its features like the Ngong Hills, Hell’s Gate National Park or Lake Nakuru. Lake Nakuru sits on the floor of the rift valley and attracts many birders to Kenya each year.

Arabuko-Sokoke National Park: Arabuko-Sokoke Forest is the last remaining coastal forest in East Africa. Part of the vast forest was turned into a National Park in the late 1989’s. The forest is found 110 kilometers north of Mombasa and is managed jointly by four entities – the Kenya Forest Research Incredible Institute, Kenya Wildlife Service, National Museums of Kenya and the Kenya Forest Service. Other international organizations work closely with the four government Agencies to protect/conserve the forest. Over 250 species of birds call it home including threatened ones like the Amani Sunbird, Clarke’s Weaver, East Coast Akalat, Sokoke Pipit, Sokoke Scops Owl and the Spotted Ground Thrush. The forest is also home to rare birds, plants and amphibians. Unfortunately, despite the good work of the government Agencies and other international organizations, Arabuko-Sokoke forest is still threatened by encroachment and human related activities.

Chyulu Hills:

The Chyulu hills are one of the youngest volcanic mountains in the world – 500 years is the estimation. They are found in the southeastern part of the country and are 1,000 kilometers long (and 7,178 feet above sea level). A key attraction of the Hills is the Leviathan Cave which holds one of the longest lava tubes in the world. While visiting the Chyulu Hills, tourist can also take part in horse riding, rock climbing and hiking. The hills are home to creatures like steenbok, lions, giraffes, elephants, cheetahs, bush pigs and black rhinos among others.

Town of Meru: Meru is a small but beautiful town close to the slopes of Mount Kenya. It is one of the leading coffee producing towns in the country. The rich volcanic soils and excellent weather around the mountain slopes allows the cash crop to do well. Farmers organize themselves into cooperatives and Attractions in Kenya have their coffee processing factories. Apart from coffee, Meru is also known as one of the leading producers of Miraa. Miraa is similar to Marijuana only that it is chewed to give a mild euphoric feeling. It is illegal to chew it in some countries but some allow it because it is mild compared to real weed. Apart from coffee and Miraa, a key attractions of Meru town are the Meru National Museum and the Meru National Park (to be discussed separately). If you visit this museum, you will learn a lot about the history and the cultural practices of the people in Meru – including the wildlife, traditional weapons and dress code.

The Central Highlands: The Central highlands are found on the eastern arm of the Rift Valley which also includes Mount Kenya and the Aberdare National Parks. Areas around the central Highlands of Kenya are the most densely populated and for this reason are considered the heartland of the country. The area has good climate all year round and fertile soils that support agriculture in both large and small scale. The British colonial administrators settled here and set up large farms which still exist to this day.

Aberdare National Park:

Kenya Safaris: The finest safaris and excursions to Kenya involve seeing the Big 5, admiring the scenery, learning about the local cultureAberdare National Park is one of the many protected areas in Kenya. It is located in the central highlands of Kenya – along the eastern arm of the great Rift Valley. The park is found in an area of high altitude (about 10,000 feet) and is characterized by lush mist-covered forests, waterfalls, rivers and deep ravines. Several animals thrive here including black leopards, the elusive bongo, lions, eland, Sykes’ monkey, colobus monkeys, baboons, serval cats and black rhinos. Over 250 species of birds can be spotted in the park including eagles, goshawk, Jackson’s Francolin, plovers, sparrow hawks and sunbirds. It is at the Aberdare National Park that Queen Elizabeth the II first got to know about her father’s death hence becoming Queen of England. She was on safari and staying at Treetops Hotel that has now become very popular with tourists.

Meru National Park: This is one of the lesser known and visited but still impressive attraction in Kenya. Because it receives fewer visitors, the park remains unspoiled. It is a park with remarkable scenery because it receives good rains for much of the year. Much of the park consists of tall grasses, acacia trees, palm trees, tamarind, forests, streams, swamps and about 13 rivers. The rivers and other water bodies are home to crocodiles, hippos and over 300 birds. Which other animals are found in the park? Well, you will see lions, buffaloes, cheetahs, leopards, elephants and countless antelope. The park has one of the highest concentration of buffaloes in the country.

The Giraffe Center: The Giraffe Center was established in the 1970’s by Betty and Jack Lesilie Meliville as the only breeding ground for Rothschild Giraffe in the Eastern part of Africa. The purpose of the Center was to provide environmental education and create awareness about the importance of appreciating the country’s biodiversity. Betty discovered that only about 120 Rothschild Giraffe remained on a certain ranch that was about to be turned into a human settlement. They decided to get two young giraffes and keep it in their own property. It was then that she founded The African Fund for Endangered Wildlife Kenya as a non-profit organization. This name still stands although most prefer to call it the Giraffe Center.  The Center sits on an area covering 120 acres and at the very heart of Nairobi city. Young giraffe is born and bred in an environment that is protected and free from poachers or predators. The breeding program has been very successful and over 500 individuals have passed through the ranch before being reintroduced back into the wild. Tourists can visit the Center for a comprehensive and educative tour of the facility. The tour involves climbing a raised platform to feed and touch the giraffes. Other activities include birding and identifying the different tree species in the facility. For the ultimate experience, one should spend a night and enjoy breakfast with the giraffes at the nearby Giraffe Manor.

The Crying Stones in Kakamega: If you are traveling along the Kisumu – Kakamega road, this is one place you should stop by. Kakamega is situated in the western part of the country. The stones are actually huge monuments which balance themselves on columns of rock. Water flows from a gap in the middle and resembles tears. The natives in the area consider the tears a sign of upcoming good harvest.

Kakamega Forest Reserve: Kakamega forest was once part of a great rain forest that covered most of East and Central Africa. Climate change and human encroachment reduced the size of the forest living behind remnants (islands of forest) with most of it now in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The part left in Kakamega is home to unique creatures that cannot be found anywhere in Kenya. These creatures were left isolated in Kakamega after the forest stretch leading to Central Africa was cut off. The forest is home to 400 species of birds, cobras, de Brazza’s monkeys, pangolins, pottos, squirrels, vipers, giant hedgehogs and bush pigs. Other spectacular attractions include waterfalls, rocks, rare giant trees that are believed to be over 100-year-old. The Entrance fee to the forest is about $25 for adults.

Bungee Jumping: Because there is so much that Kenya has to offer, most tourists are not aware that they can actually do Bungee jumping while in Kenya. Bungee jumping in Kenya is an adrenaline raising activity in which a rope is tied to the leg or waist before one dives in a free fall towards the flowing Sagana river. Unlike Bungee jumping in Uganda, the one in Kenya is divided into two major jumps.

Lake Nakuru National Park:

Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the most popular tourism attractions in Kenya. It is found in the middle of the country, 152 kilometers away from Nairobi. The Attractions to visit in Kenyapark was established in the early 1960’s to preserve its rich biodiversity. Most of the park consists of Savannah grasslands, woodlands, rocky cliffs and the largest euphorbia candelabrum forest in the continent. Over 450 species of birds can be spotted here including one million Lesser flamingos, Goliath heron, hammerkops, African fish eagles, Pelicans, cormorants and Verreaux’s eagle. Flamingos and Pelicans thrive on the salt waters of lake Nakuru because of the rich algae and its relative isolation from humans. The greatest spectacle in the park is watching over 1 million flamingos take flight at once. Apart from flamingos, it is also possible to spot lions, warthogs, leopards, white rhinos, pythons and waterbucks.

Kisumu town and its museum: Apart from the museum in Nairobi, the smaller cities and towns also have their own interesting museums that might interest you if you are planning to travel around the country. Kisumu toen lies close to the shores of Lake Victoria and along a strategic trade route/highway leading to Mombasa through Nairobi. Apart from Lake Victoria, the town has its own collection of natural and historical attractions. One of the attractions is The Kisumu Museum. This museum houses animal exhibits, musical instruments, results of ethnographic studies and important art pieces. You can also see ancient weapons, animal traps, traditional utensils, clothing, agricultural tools and local furniture.

Ol Pejeta Conservancy: This southern White Rhino conservancy is located at the foothills of Mount Kenya. It was established to protect some of the most threatened species and act as a leading Center for wildlife conservation in the country. White Rhinos are one of the most endangered of the large mammals aand Ol Pejeta Conservancy became famous for hosting Sudan, the last male northern white rhino. Sudan died in 2018 leaving behind two northern white rhino females. These last two female rhinos are heavily guarded day and night. Their immediate cousins the Southern White Rhino is also highly threatened. Other animals at the conservancy are Gazelles, Zebras, Giraffes and lions. You should visit this facility, if you are enthusiastic about wildlife conservation. Moreover, Ol Pejeta also houses the Sweetwater’s Chimpanzee Sanctuary for rescued chimps. While at the Centre, you will learn about the success and challenges faced by wildlife conservation Agencies in protecting endangered species.

Shimba Hills National Reserve:

Kenya Safaris: The finest safaris and excursions to Kenya involve seeing the Big 5, admiring the scenery, learning about the local cultureThis small national reserve is found 15 kilometers away from the coast and 33 kilometers away from Mombasa. The reserve consists of mainly coastal rain forest, grasslands and woodlands. Most of the rare plants that are unique to Kenya like orchids and cycad are found in this reserve. The reserve is also a great sanctuary for butterflies and birds. Over 700 elephants and 100 of Kenya’s only Sable Antelope population are found in Shimba Hills National Reserve. The population of elephants had grown so much that they became a threat to the overall ecosystem and particularly the endangered plants. After years of conflicts with humans, the Mwaluganje elephant sanctuary was established at the north side of the reserve to create a safe route for some of the elephants to leave to other national parks. Fencing has helped stop raids on human farms.

Watamu and its beaches: Watamu (“Home of the sweet people”) is small coastal town and fishing village close to Mombasa. The town is known for its lush green tropical forests, lagoons and natural white-sand beaches. Over the years, Watamu has grown into one of the most sought out beaches – thanks to its white sands and crystal-clear waters. Apart from the beautiful beaches, the town has got other attractions like the ruins of Gede and the Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve. It offers one of the best diving and snorkeling spots within the coastal region of Kenya. Watamu has got one of the best breeding grounds for green and hawksbills turtles. As part of the Malindi Marine reserve, the island offers opportunities to spot giant Manta rays and sharks.

Watamu Marine National Park: Watamu has got incredible attractions and we will just have to discuss some of them in more detail individually. Watamu Marine National Park is one such attraction. Founded in 1968, the Park’s coral gardens have over 580 species of fish, countless molluscs, Invertebrates and crustaceans. Because the incredible biodiversity, Watamu Marine National Park was designated as a biosphere reserve in 1979. It is an important breeding ground for two species of Turtles. The coral gardens are popular for snorkeling, kite surfing, fishing, volunteering, scuba diving and other water sports. While snorkeling, one cans sport whale sharks, barracuda, octopuses, and giant manta rays. The park is excellent for children and educational purposes. The most convenient way to reach the Island is by taking a flight from Nairobi or Malindi Airport.

Eldoret: Eldoret is small town situated close to the border with Uganda and at the edge of the rift valley. Bill gates’ visits the town frequently to follow up on programs funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It possible to sleep in the same hotel and go to all the places visited by the American Billionaire while supervising projects in the area. Bill Gates stays at the Naiberi River Campsite & Resort while in town.

Ice Skating, Gp Karting and Quad Biking: If you are planning to travel with the kids, there are several activities that will make their time in Kenya memorable. While in Nairobi, you can register for Ice Skating at the Panari Sky Centre. This Centre is found along the Mombasa road. The Centre hosts the first and only ice-skating rink in Kenya. Families and couples go to the Centre for ice skating lessons at an affordable rate. Skating boots are provided but do not forget to show up with very warm clothing to deal with the cold. Apart from the Ice-skating rink, the Centre has a luxury hotel and modern shopping mall. If Ice Skating is not for you, then you can try out two other adrenaline raising activities while in Nairobi – Go Karting and Quad biking. Go Karting is fun for those who love cars and is arranged in Langata. The Quad bikes are excellent for exploring the slums of Nairobi and countryside.

Siawa Swamp National Park:

Kenya Safaris: The finest safaris and excursions to Kenya involve seeing the Big 5, admiring the scenery, learning about the local cultureThis is the smallest national park in Kenya and is found in Kakamega. The park made up of forest and swamps with several viewing platforms for observation. Siawa Swamp National Park is the best place for spotting the Sitatunga (swamp) antelope and small primates like the white-bearded De Brazza’s monkey. Birders will be impressed with the variety of species on offer including the bright purple Ross’s turaco.

Che Shale Beach: This beach is found in the Mambrui coastline. It was opened in 1978 but has now been turned into Kenya’s only kite surfing center and school. Like most of the top beaches along the Kenyan coast, it has beautiful white sands, crystal clear waters, coconut palms and a tranquil environment. Several entertainment centers are there to ensure that revelers have the time of their lives including modern dance clubs, massage centers, restaurants and booming music. While at the beach, visitor can take part in deep-sea fishing, snorkeling, kite surfing and bush walks. Kite-surfing competitions are held at the beach regularly bringing together participants from all over the world. The easiest way to get to the beach is to take a flight from Nairobi to Malindi airport and then take a car.

The Island of Lamu: Lamu is a small island in northeastern part of Mombasa. It is the oldest and best-preserved settlement of people with the original Swahili heritage in Kenya. Since the 14th century, the island was inhabited by the Arabs, Persians, Indians, Europeans and indigenous Kenyans leaving Information behind unique and precious architectural buildings and a Swahili culture. The Island was designated UNESCO World Heritage site particularly because of the important architectural remains that date back to the 12th century. Lamu remains relatively untouched and less disturbed by large crowds like it is in other islands in Kenya. Most of the old town buildings have beautiful carvings, wooden doors, hidden courtyards, amazing verandahs and walls made of coral stones. The government has deliberately left the island as it was hundreds of years ago. There are no major roads in Lamu except for footpaths and alleyways. There are no cars in the island. The only means of transport is by using a donkey and dhows. The key attractions in the island are the Lamu Museum, Lamu Fort, a donkey Sanctuary, beautiful sand beaches and amazing water sports. We will discuss some of them in more detail shortly.

This is a magical safari that promises you the most adventurous and magical wildlife experiences that are filled with back-to-back fun such as catching up with the massive annual migration of wildebeest

Our 8 Days Uganda gorilla tour and Masai Mara safari brings you the best that Africa has to offer in terms of wildlife. You will have an opportunity to see 6 of Africa’s famous creatures

A 5-day safari that includes various visits to Lake Nakuru, Maasai Mara, and Hell’s Gate . Enjoythe beautiful water birds and other bird species at Lake Nakuru.

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