14 Days best Birding and gorilla trip

Are you looking for 14 Days best Birding and gorilla trip? While other East African Countries are famous for wildlife safaris, many naturalists would argue that Uganda offer an experience that is more diverse, exceptional and breathe taking bird watching trips and gorilla safaris. To a bigger extent the Mountain Gorillas may be the most exciting wildlife encounter which the African continent has to offer.

Day 1: Arrival for 14 Days best Birding and gorilla trip

Arrive at Entebbe International Airport, meet & greet by your driver/guide and proceed to bird the botanical gardens looking out for birds like the Cormorants, Herons, Egrets, Storks, Black-winged Stilt, Doves, Turacos, Kingfishers, Hornbills, Sunbirds, Starlings, Weavers, if lucky the Grey Parrot among others. Proceed to accommodation in time for lunch. Overnight at The Boma.

Day 2: Bird Mabamba

Early breakfast and then with packed lunch proceed to bird Mabamba Wetlands where you will be driven in a motorised boat as you bird through the swamp, look out for birds like the mighty Shoebill and other birds like Long-tailed Cormorant, Squacco Heron, Yellow-billed Duck, Malachite Kingfisher, Long toed Plover, Blue-headed Coucal, Blue-breasted Bee-eater among other birds. Bird your way back to Kampala looking out for birds like African open billed Stork, Grey Kestrel, African Green Pigeon, Great Blue Turaco, Ross’s Turaco, Swifts, Sunbirds, Weavers birds, Finches among other birds. Overnight at The Boma Entebbe

Day 3: Bird to Fort Portal

After breakfast, start your drive as you bird westwards getting to Fort Portal in time for lunch. After lunch as it cools down go and bird Sebitoli area. Look out for birds like Red-chested Cuckoo, Great blue Turaco, Lizard Buzzard, Black-faced Rufous Warbler, Joyful Greenbul, Masked Apalis, Whinchat, Stonechat, Grey-headed Sunbird, Many colouredBush-shrikes among other birds. Getting back to accommodation in time for a warm shower and dinner. Dinner and overnight at Mts. Of the Moon Hotel

Day 4: Bird Kibale National Park

Early breakfast and then proceed to bird Kibale Forest which is the best place in Uganda to see Chimps and other primates. A morning walk through the forest combines chimp trekking with a selection of forest birds. Look out for birds like Narina Trogon, African Emerald Cuckoo, Grey Parrot, Sabine’s Spinetail, Black-billed Turaco, Yellow-billed Barbet, Red-tailed Ant Thrush among other birds and Primates like Blue Monkey, Black and white Colobus, Grey-cheeked Mangabey, Olive Baboon, Varvet Monkey, Red tailed Monkey, L’Hoest’s Monkey among others. Note that those who want to do the chimp walk as other are looking for birds will need to book in advance. Dinner and overnight at Mts. Of the Moon Hotel.

Day 5: Bird Bigodi and transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

After breakfast, proceed to bird the Bigodi swamp getting to the Primate Lodge Kibale in time for lunch. After lunch, head for the drive along the foothills of the mountains of the Moon (Rwenzori Mountains) by Kasese, and crossing the Equator as you get close to Lake Kikorongo, birding en-route to the Mweya Safari lodge where you will spend three nights. Look out for birds like Helmeted Guinea Fowl, Red-necked Spurfowl, Great blue Turaco, Barbets, Tinkerbirds, Kingfishers, Bee eaters, Cuckoos, Lesser Striped Swallows, Black-lored babbler, Grey-backed Shrike, Sunbirds among other birds. Dinner and Overnight at Mweya Safari Lodge.

Day 6: Bird Queen Elizabeth National Park

After breakfast, continue with your 14 Days best Birding and gorilla trip with a morning game drive/birding. Lunch at the Lodge and in the afternoon go looking for birds on launch (boat) cruise on the Kazinga Channel, to see a variety of wildlife like, hippos, crocodile and bird life from a boat for two hours. Look out for birds like Yellow-billed Stork, Saddle-billed Stork, African Spoonbill, Raptors, Plovers, White-browed Robin-chat, Rufous napped Lark, Red-chested Sunbird, Scarlet chested Sunbird, Shrikes, Weavers, Finches, among other birds. Also, look out for mammals like Uganda Kob, Bushbuck, Defassa Water buck, Buffaloes, Elephants, Warthog among others.
Dinner and Overnight at Mweya Safari Lodge.

Day 7: Bird Queen Elizabeth National Park

After a cup of tea or coffee and a muffin, with your packed breakfast drive to bird Imaramagambo area around Lake Nyamusingiri looking out for birds like Pink-backed Pelican, Black Bee Eater, Shining Blue Kingfisher, Blue–breasted Kingfisher, Barbets, Tinkerbirds, Woodpeckers, Narina Trogon, Apalises, Red-collared Widowbird Honeyguide Greenbul, Snow capped Robin-Chat among other birds. On a lucky day, you can get an African Finfoot here. Dinner and Overnight at Mweya.

Day 8: Bird to Bwindi

After breakfast with your picnic lunch, leave Queen Elizabeth National Park and proceed to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest birding en-route arriving in the late afternoon. Look out for birds like Martial Eagle, Francolins, Barbets, Chats, Cuckooshrikes, Sunbirds, Fork tailed Drongo, Larks, Pipits, Weavers, Widowbirds among other birds. You will look out for mammals like Topi, Uganda Kob, Water Buck, Buffaloes, Elephants, Baboons and others. Dinner and overnight at Engagi Lodge

Day 9: Bird Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

After an early breakfast, start looking for birds as we find that Bwindi Impenetrable Forest doesn’t live up to its name as we penetrate it looking for species like Bar-tailed Trogon, Black Bee-Eater, White-headed Wood-hoopoe, Tinkerbirds and Barbets, Woodpeckers, African Broadbill, assorted Greenbuls, White-bellied Robin-Chat, Red-throated Alethe, Chapin’s Flycatcher, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Black-faced Rufous Warbler, Grauer’s Warbler, Mountain Masked Apalis, Bocage’s Bush-shrike, Luhder’s Bush-shrike, Pink-footed Puffback, Petit’s Cuckooshrike, Starlings, Black-billed Weaver, Brown-capped weaver among other birds. Dinner and Overnight at Engagi Lodge.

Day 10: Gorilla Trekking

Today is a 14 Days best Birding and gorilla trip! You will be going Gorilla trekking. After an early breakfast, head to register for your Gorilla Trekking. There after, go for Gorilla trekking briefing and then start gorilla tracking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. We recommend you to wear good walking shoes and carry good rain gear and enough drinking water. Gorilla trekking can be tough and challenging and so we trust you are in reasonably fit condition to the Gorilla trekking levels. You will carry a picnic lunch with you into the forest but not to share with the Gorillas and you will be thrilled to have seen these Gorillas (no guarantee) and the return journey from Gorilla trekking could be easier.Dinner and Overnight at Engagi Lodge.

Day 11: Bird to Lake Mburo National Park

This morning, we’ll bird eastwards through the terraced mountains of Kigezi to the open plains and rocky hillsides of Ankole. We’ll have a few stops along the way to enjoy the scenery and birds. We’ll be able to get closer views of the fabulous Ankole long horned cattle as we drive to Mbarara and onto Lake Mburo where we’ll stay at Mihingo Lodge for the next three nights. Birding here is a delightful experience, and often one of the highlights of a birding trip to Uganda. Look out for birds like Augur Buzzard, Crested Francolin, Emeraled Spotted Wood Dove, Spot flanked Barbet, Bare-faced Go-away-bird, Lailac-breasted Roller, Black-headed Gonolek, Starlings among other birds. Dinner and Overnight at Mihingo Lodge.

Day 12: Bird Lake Mburo National Park

Whole day birding Lake Mburo National Park looking for birds like the Bateleur, Crested Francolin, Black-bellied Bustard, Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, Brown Parrot, Bare-faced Go-away-bird, Blue- napped Mousebird, African Grey Hornbill, Red-faced Barbet, Spot-flanked Barbet, Larks, Pipits, Long tailed Cisticola, Yellow-breasted Apalis among others birds. In the afternoon, take a boat cruise to look for the African Finfoot and other birds. Before dinner try the African Scops Owl, Swamp, Black-shouldered and Freckled Nightjars among other birds. Look out for animals like the gorgeous Eland, Zebra, Impala, Buffalo, Topi, Reedbuck, Water buck Bushbuck, Hippos, Oribi, Bush duiker as you look for birds. Dinner and Overnight at Mihingo Lodge.

Day 13: Drive to Entebbe

After breakfast, proceed for morning birding getting back in time for early lunch. After lunch, proceed for the drive back to Entebbe. Look out for birds like Bateleur, Black-chested Snake Eagle, Crested Francolin, Black-bellied Bustard, Emerald-spotted Wood Dove, Brown Parrot, Bare-faced Go-away-bird, Blue-napped Mousebird, African Grey Hornbill, Spot-flanked Barbet, Larks, Pipits, Long tailed Cisticola, Yellow-breasted Apalis among others birds. Overnight at the Central Inn.

Day 14: Departure

Its time to go home and so we transfer to Entebbe International Airport to end your 14 Days best Birding and gorilla trip and catch up with your flight back home

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